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Education theory _ Training Courses _  itself is increasingly becoming an integral part of postgraduate medical training.

GEP … launching new in-house concept of TRAINING COURSE , mainly in Medical, Engineering and Social fields 

A side of medical medical training courses, we provider professional business training courses; designed for companies who want to train their staff as well as individuals who are seeking their own personal development.


We offer essential courses in time management, negotiation skills, leadership, stress management, effective communication, marketing and much more


We provide  your need via

Distance learning

Online Courses
Interactive Short Courses

Postgraduate education
Medical Doctors

Following completion of entry-level training, newly graduated doctors are often required to undertake a period of supervised practice before full registration is granted; this is most often of one-year duration and may be referred to as "internship" or "provisional registration" or "residency"

Further training in a particular field of medicine may be undertaken. In some jurisdictions, this is commenced immediately following completion of entry-level training, while other jurisdictions require junior doctors to undertake generalist  training for a number of years before commencing specialization.


As for we are here with great eminent professional doctors leading and supervise a several courses in a lot of medical lines. 


Please call/post us for upcoming training course .... 

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